Pre-seeding treatment of seeds

9 ноябрь | 00 : 00

Treatment of cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oat, rice) with humate promotes the growth and development of plants while improving the viability and the field emergence for 10-15%, as well as the total and the effective tillering capacity. Having the adhesive property, humate incases the seeds to act as the thermal envelope to maintain the appropriate temperature regime during germination, until the seeds come out for the solar energy. Herewith, it ensures micro-nutrition and faster seedling. Due to the high stimulating effect, seed grains’ treatment can significantly enhance the growth and development of plant’s root system, increasing drought resistance of plants, and allows to improve wintering conditions of winter grains. If seeds are treated, seedlings appear for 2-3 days earlier, the stimulating effect is evident and thereafter. Pre-seeding treatment is very important not only for cereal crops but for sunflower, buckwheat, maize, soya, peas, rape. Pre-seeding treatment of vegetable and melon crops, along with treatment of sprouts is also of great importance. However, due to the large spread of agglutinate and coated seeds, this treatment, in most cases, is not carried out. In this respect, top treatment of plants during the growth season gains more prominence, especially when it is treated at earlier maturity stages.

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