Аккумулятор NiMH 6-Cell 7.2V 4200mAh, Астана

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 07.03.2017;
  • Уникальный код - 16705017;
  • Количество просмотров - 144;
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Описание товара

Аккумулятор NiMH 6-Cell 7.2V 4200mAh
This is a Pre-Assembled 6 cell, 4200mAh Nickel Metal Hydride Battery Pack.
NiMH Batteries Have A Different Chemistry Than NiCd Batteries So They
Require Different Charging Methods (See COMMENTS).
Pre-assembled NiMH Sub-C size cells for use
with 1/10 scale R/C vehicles
Also great for electric airplane
Offers 50%+ longer run times verses 2000mAh packs
Great for endurance racing
Higher average voltage means more power verses NiCd packs
Ni-MH cells have no discharge memory so there is no need to deep
discharge them by shorting out the cells. This damages the cells.
No need to be recycled, NiMH cells are environmentally friendly
Venom Universal Four Plug System allows connectivity between today's
four most common battery plugs, Tamiya, Traxxas, Deans and EC3,
simply attach desired plug to Venom Plug on battery's wire leads
One Assembled 6 cell, 4200mAh NiMH Battery Pack with Traxxas, Tamiya,
Deans and EC3 Plugs
Charger: Having Negative DeltaV or Zero DeltaV Peaking capabilities
Discharger: Having capabilities to properly discharge batteries
Charge Rate: 1A for extended life, 2A for improved performance
_ 10-20 millivolts (.01 to .02V)
Length: 5.39"- (137mm)
Width: 1.77"- (45mm)
Height: 0.94"- (23.9mm)
Weight: 14.6oz (414g)
Maximum Cycles Per Day: Three, with a 1 to 2 hour rest period
between cycles
Dead Shorting: Not Recommended
Do Not dead short the cells after discharging or store them with a
resistor across the pack. They do not need this and it damages
the battery pack. Store cells with voltage in them.
Use a digital voltmeter if your charger does not have one, to monitor
the voltage. As soon as the voltage stops rising, the pack is
charged. Do not let voltage drop like you would with NiCd cells.
Charger MUST be able to adjust the negative peak charge rate.
Heat or overcharging will deteriorate or damage NiMH cells.
Артикул 1546

Характеристики аккумулятора NiMH 6-Cell 7.2V 4200mAh

  • — Бренд: RC Hobby
  • — Страна производитель: Китай

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Аккумулятор NiMH 6-Cell 7.2V 4200mAh