Preschool education for children, Алматы
Описание товара
Encyclical preschool education for children
The course of preschool education is aimed at eduction and development of a child’s interests and talents, forming of studying motivation and other cognitive processes, successful psychological adaptation to the school.
The course includes the following classes:
– speech development and preparation for literacy learning
– communication rhetoric
– preparation for writing
– forming of maths conceptions
– education of cognitive processes
– educational games
– sensor education
– studying the world around
– health studying
– economics
The classes are given 3 times a week, 2 hours each one
Услуги, похожие на Preschool education for children
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Дата создания модели - 16/09/2013, дата последнего изменения - 20/11/2013. За это время товар был просмотрен 151 раз.