Электродвинатель AXI 2208/26 GOLD LINE, Астана
Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Дата добавления 07.03.2017;
- Уникальный идентификатор - 16705783;
- Предложение было просмотрено - 187;
Описание товара
Электродвинатель AXI 2208/26 GOLD LINE
You will be surprised by the very high power delivered by these small and very robust, but light weight (45g with power cables) brushless motors with rotating case suitable for all models of 300-400 size, and microhelicopters. The hardened steel 3,17mm diameter shaft is supported by two large ball bearings which ensure very good mechanical reliability with front or radial mounting. As a result of using the latest ferromagnetic materials the AXI GOLD 22xx/xx LINE motors offer extremely high efficiency and high load capability for their weight. AXI GOLD LINE with the high quality of manufacturing, reliability and performance are the best outrunners available in the market. A feature of the AXI design is provision for radial mounting (see picture). The optional radial mount set includes: mounting plate, propeller adapter, securing collar, and screws.
No. of cells6 - 8
2 - 3 Li-Poly
Max. efficiency82%
Max. efficiency current5 - 9 A (>-74%)
No load current / 10 V0,6 A
Current capacity11 A/60 s
Internal Resistance155 mohm
Dimensions (diameter. x lenght)27,7x26 mm
Shaft diameter3,17 mm
Weight with cables45 g
Артикул 220826
You will be surprised by the very high power delivered by these small and very robust, but light weight (45g with power cables) brushless motors with rotating case suitable for all models of 300-400 size, and microhelicopters. The hardened steel 3,17mm diameter shaft is supported by two large ball bearings which ensure very good mechanical reliability with front or radial mounting. As a result of using the latest ferromagnetic materials the AXI GOLD 22xx/xx LINE motors offer extremely high efficiency and high load capability for their weight. AXI GOLD LINE with the high quality of manufacturing, reliability and performance are the best outrunners available in the market. A feature of the AXI design is provision for radial mounting (see picture). The optional radial mount set includes: mounting plate, propeller adapter, securing collar, and screws.
No. of cells6 - 8
2 - 3 Li-Poly
Max. efficiency82%
Max. efficiency current5 - 9 A (>-74%)
No load current / 10 V0,6 A
Current capacity11 A/60 s
Internal Resistance155 mohm
Dimensions (diameter. x lenght)27,7x26 mm
Shaft diameter3,17 mm
Weight with cables45 g
Артикул 220826
Характеристики электродвинателя AXI 2208/26 GOLD LINE
- — Бренд: RC Hobby
- — Страна производитель: Китай
Товары, похожие на Электродвинатель AXI 2208/26 GOLD LINE
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Заявленная компанией RC Hobby (ЭрСи Хобби), ИП цена товара «Электродвинатель AXI 2208/26 GOLD LINE» может не быть окончательной ценой продажи. Для получения подробной информации о наличии и стоимости указанных товаров и услуг, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с представителями компании RC Hobby (ЭрСи Хобби), ИП по указанным телефону или адресу электронной почты.