Нитродвигатель Evolution Trainer Power System: A, Астана
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Дата добавления 07.03.2017;
- Уникальный идентификатор - 16705763;
- Предложение было просмотрено - 76;
Описание товара
Engine, spinner, prop, glow plug - it's all there and designed specifically to get a beginner pilot into the air quickly and easily. Just 2 or 3 flips of the prop, and it's running smoothly and quietly.
If you're just getting started in the hobby or you're planning to teach a new pilot, count on Evolution's unique Trainer Power System for the most beginner-friendly starting on the planet. It's so convenient and easy to use that we include one in every Hangar 9 trainer. Everything you need comes in one convenient, affordable unit. Engine, spinner, prop, glow plug - it's all there and designed specifically to get a beginner pilot into the air quickly and easily. Just 2 or 3 flips of the prop, and it's running smoothly and quietly. - - - -
- Everything in one convenient package—engine, spinner, prop and glow plug—all specifically designed to get the beginner pilot in the air quickly and easily
- Preset SetRight needle valves guarantee easy starting and great performance
- Canted glow plug tilts glow driver away fr om propeller during starts for safer operation
- No tuning, running or break in needed
- Ball bearing-supported crankshaft
- Includes muffler
Product Specifications
Displacement:.45 cu in
Bore:.87 in
Stroke:.77 in
Total Weight:19.52 oz
Engine (Only) Weight:16.32 oz
Muffler Weight:3.20 oz
Crankshaft Threads:1/4 x 28
Benchmark Prop:10x4
RPM Range:2,000 to 16,000
Fuel:10% - 30% Nitro
Mounting Dimensions:44mm x 17.5mm
Muffler Type:Cast
Cylinder Type:ABC
Detailed Information
More than just another engine, the Evolution system is an innovative combination of propeller and engine technology specifically designed to make it the easiest starting, smoothest running power choice for .40 to .50-size trainers.
1. -Canted glow plug tilts glow driver away from propeller during starts for safer operation.
2. -Needle valve lim iters guarantee easy starting and reliable performance.
3. -Remotely mounted needle valve for safe, easy adjustment.
4. -Flywheel system for easy starting and smooth idle.
5. -Whisper-quiet three-bladed training prop for spirited performance and easily managed airspeed.
Артикул 3440Характеристики нитродвигателя Evolution Trainer Power System: А
- — Бренд: RC Hobby
- — Страна производитель: Китай
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