Геймпад Genius MetalStrike PRO, Астана
Описание товара
Vibration feedback function lets you experience the effects of taking off, landing, stalling, bumps, crashes, etc.
Three levels (off/1/2) of air control to keep your hand cool plus feel the effects of flying.
4-Axis: X, Y, Z, and rudder for Aileron, Elevator, Throttle and power control ideal for simulated flight games.
Turbo function for auto repeat - good for shooting in flight games.
13 programmable buttons include fire trigger, four fire buttons and eight base buttons.
8-way ‘point-of-view’ hat switch to change your view points when flying.
Adjustable handle position provides comfortable control of your plane.
Yes! You can also find a vibration feedback joystick in the MetalStrike Series as well!
his joystick from Genius, MetalStrike Pro , gives you different levels of vibration feedback when flying your planes. In a black-polished design, imagine you are the captain of an airship in Star Wars, MetalStrike Pro gives you a different experience in flying games.
The 4-Axis function including the rudder is ideal for simulated flight games and can provide Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, and Power controls. It also has 13 buttons, an 8-way “point of view” hat switch, and a Turbo function for auto-repeat so you can fly your aircraft just like a real plane.
An adjustable handle position for comfortable control, three levels of air control to keep your hand cool and dry but also make it exciting when flying.
Captain! Ready to start your mission, hold the MetalStrike Pro , and let’s go!
Three levels (off/1/2) of air control to keep your hand cool plus feel the effects of flying.
4-Axis: X, Y, Z, and rudder for Aileron, Elevator, Throttle and power control ideal for simulated flight games.
Turbo function for auto repeat - good for shooting in flight games.
13 programmable buttons include fire trigger, four fire buttons and eight base buttons.
8-way ‘point-of-view’ hat switch to change your view points when flying.
Adjustable handle position provides comfortable control of your plane.
Yes! You can also find a vibration feedback joystick in the MetalStrike Series as well!
his joystick from Genius, MetalStrike Pro , gives you different levels of vibration feedback when flying your planes. In a black-polished design, imagine you are the captain of an airship in Star Wars, MetalStrike Pro gives you a different experience in flying games.
The 4-Axis function including the rudder is ideal for simulated flight games and can provide Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, and Power controls. It also has 13 buttons, an 8-way “point of view” hat switch, and a Turbo function for auto-repeat so you can fly your aircraft just like a real plane.
An adjustable handle position for comfortable control, three levels of air control to keep your hand cool and dry but also make it exciting when flying.
Captain! Ready to start your mission, hold the MetalStrike Pro , and let’s go!
Характеристики геймпада Genius MetalStrike PRO
- — Тип игрового манипулятора: Геймпад
Товары, похожие на Геймпад Genius MetalStrike PRO
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