Источник бесперебойного питания Tuncmatik Digitech Pro/Line interactiv/Smart/RJ-11/USB/1 000 VА/600 W, Астана

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 06.03.2017;
  • Уникальный код - 16682449;
  • Количество просмотров - 94;
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Описание товара

Line-interactive design Line-Interactive UPSs supply connected computers and electronic equipment directly from the AC line. When the AC line Voltage drops or raises, using its internal transformer, UPS supplies connected loads with suitable Voltage. When the AC line cuts off, UPS supplies loads with power from its battery. Compact size and modern design Perfect match for homes and offices. Reliable CPU control Lite is equipped with a high speed CPU in order to accomplish its all functions accurate and timely. High speed CPU manages UPS’s safely operation, overload, high Voltage and low Voltage protections. Thus, Lite II achieves a unique reliability. Over load, low-high Voltage and short circuit protections Because of Lite II’s many electronic protection features its usage life is extended. For an example, if you overload your Lite unintentionally it detects the load automatically and protects itself with shutting down before any damage occurs. In the same way, it provides protection against low and high Voltage. Automatic Voltage regulation feature (AVR) Thanks to Lite ’s wide Voltage range transformer, it can also serves as a Voltage regulator. If the AC line Voltage is too high or too low, it adjusts the Voltage to an appropriate level and supplies loads with this Voltage. Automatic restart when AC line recovers During a power cut off, if Lite uses all of it’s battery and shuts down because of empty battery, it will automatically restart when the line Voltage recovers, and start charging its batteries again automatically. Charging when UPS is off In order to charge batteries, simply plug in Lite . Cold Start feature Lite has the feature of starting in battery mode even if the AC power is not available. Simulated sine wave output Lite provides simulated sine wave form which is suitable for computers and electronic equipment. Fast charger to shorten the charging time by %50 Most UPS systems can charge their batteries to full in 8 to 10 hours, but Lite can fill it’s batteries in four hours to ensure a safe operation in regions where electric failures are very often. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT INPUT OUTPUT CAPACITY Output Voltage range 220 VAC ± %10 Output frequency range 50/60 Hz ± %1 Transfer time 2 - 6 msec Waveform Simulated sine wave D x W x H (mm) 322 x 122 x 160 322 x 122 x 160 Weight (kg) 4.5 5.1

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Источник бесперебойного питания Tuncmatik Digitech Pro/Line interactiv/Smart/RJ-11/USB/1 000 VА/600 W