Масла моторные Castrol Enduron MT 10W-40, Алматы
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Предложение добавлено 20.05.2017;
- Уникальный идентификатор - 17286501;
- Предложение было просмотрено - 76;
Описание товара
Масла моторные Castrol Enduron MT 10W-40 в Алматы оптом
Enduron MT 10W-40
Diesel engine lubricant
Enduron MT is an SAE 10W-40 diesel engine lubricant formulated using unique technology.
Enduron MT is recommended particularly for MTU diesel engines where "Type 3" approval is required.
Enduron MT is also recommended for other high-speed marine engines such as MAN where ACEA E4 performance is
required and/or extreme conditions require cold-start ability.
Features / Benefits
Enduron MT uses advanced technology to increase engine endurance. Enduron MT is designed to extend oil drain
intervals to the maximum and prolong engine life. As a result, high speed diesel engines benefit from reduced downtime,
cost less to maintain and offer the following end-user benefits:
Oil drain intervals extended to the maximum to reduce downtime and servicing costs.
Engine life is increased through use of Castrol's advanced technology ensuring maximum endurance.
Engine wear is controlled throughout the engine to reduce maintenance.
Copes efficiently with heavy soot loading to prevent engine wear and deposits.
Engine cleanliness is maintained by controlling deposit formation.
Viscometrics for excellent cold-start ability.
Approval Status
Endurong MT complies with the requirements of engine manufacturers specifying:
ACEA E4, E5 and E7
MTU Oil Category 3
Cummins CES 20072
MAN 3277
Volvo VDS-3
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Характеристики масел моторных Castrol Enduron МТ 10W-40
- — Бренд: Castrol
- — Страна производитель: Бельгия
Товары, похожие на Масла моторные Castrol Enduron MT 10W-40
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