Модель Gee Bee Z 24, Астана

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 07.03.2017;
  • Код предложения - 16705327;
  • Предложение было просмотрено - 95;
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Описание товара

Модель Gee Bee Z 24
This is a rubber band powered model of a Gee Bee Z Airplane
from Dumas Aircraft.
FEATURES: Hand selected balsa parts
Precision laser cut parts
Color peel and stick decal set
Vacuum molded plastic parts
Full size plans with step by step instuctions
Lightweight colored tissue (Yellow and black in color)
F.A.I. Tan II contest rubber
INCLUDES: All the wood to build the airplane and floats
One 8.75"- (222mm) diameter plastic prop (black in color)
One 46"- (1,168mm) long rubber strip (for powering the prop)
One plastic parts sheet with the cowling and wheel pants
One peel and stick decal sheet
Two 20"- x 30"- pieces of black tissue paper
Two 20"- x 30"- pieces of yellow tissue paper
Full size plan sheet with instructions
One 18"- (457mm) long piece of music wire (.041"- (1mm) diameter)
One vacuum formed canopy
Two 1.75"- (44mm) diameter platic wheels (two piece wheels)
REQUIRES: Hobby knife, razor blade, canopy scissors, paint for cowling, sand
paper, white glue to attach covering, dope for shrinking the tissue
SPECS: Wing span: 24"- (610mm)
Airfoil: flat bottom (low wing)
Length: 15"- (381mm)
Артикул DUM406

Характеристики моделя Gee Вее Z 24

  • — Бренд: RC Hobby
  • — Страна производитель: Китай

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Модель Gee Bee Z 24