Образование в Европе - Вильнюсский технический университет имени Гедиминаса, Алматы

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Вильнюсский технический университет имени гедиминаса (VGTU) является государственным учреждением высшего образования.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) is a state higher academic school which has the rights of legal entity and acts as a public institution. The University was established by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania.
It is one of the largest schools of higher education in Lithuania, which strives for leading position among Baltic countries in technical and engineering education as well as the field of scientific research.

VGTU is the second university in Lithuania according to the number of “study baskets” granted and the only technical university among the Baltic states in the QS World University Rankings 2012/2013.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University pursues to foster highly qualified, creative and socially active specialists, who would be able to successfully adapt to both Lithuanian and foreign markets of education and labour.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University encompasses the following:

  • Nearly 63.000 alumni over more than 50 years of the University‘s existence
  • 13.000 students (over 2011/2012)
  • 10 faculties
  • 10 research institutes, 19 research laboratories, 5 research centres
  • 930 academic staff members
  • 100 study programmes based on three-cycle structure: undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies
  • Over 200 business partners all over Lithuania

The mission of the University is to train and educate socially responsible, creative, entrepreneurial, competitive personality, receptive to science and latest technologies as well as cultural values, to help ensure the country's economic, social and cultural prosperity, social harmony and preserve .national cultural identity.
The University aims at:
1) offering studies that provide a person with the modern university education and qualifications of higher education;
2) sustainable development in various fields of scientific knowledge, high-level scientific research and experimental (social, cultural) development, training of scientists, collaborating with domestic and foreign partners in the fields of science and education;
3) promoting regional and national development through collaboration with public and business partners by means of scientific, educational, artistic and other cultural activities;
4) developing society receptive to education, science, art and culture, society that is able to make effective use of science and compete in the market of high technology products and services.

Goals that lead to implementation of the University Aims:
1) to research society and labor market development trends as well as the Lithuanian economy's development strategy and apply the research results for the purposes of studies;
2) to create proper conditions for acquiring a university education and to organize continuing education of professionals, improvement of their qualifications and retraining;
3) to introduce the most advanced international standards of science, education and management, to continually analyze our performance and improve it;
4) to establish world-class research centers, knowledge economy clusters and promote the development of knowledge economy as well as integrity of science, study and practice;
5) to disseminate scientific and technical ideas, promote intellectual performance results, to prepare and publish scientific papers, textbooks and other teaching tools;

6) to develop a long-term university intellectual property policy and implement it consistently.

Programm Schedule

Характеристики образования в Европе - Вильнюсского технического университета имени Гедиминаса

  • — Языковые курсы: Да
  • — Среднее образование: Да
  • — Высшее образование: Да
  • — Программы профессиональной подготовки: Да
  • — Программы международных обменов: Да
  • — Корпоративное обучение: Да
  • — Консультационные услуги: Подбор страны обучения, Подбор учебного заведения, Подбор программы обучения
  • — Бронирование программы обучения: Да
  • — Визовая поддержка: Да
  • — Бронирование билетов: Да
  • — Обеспечение трансферами: Да
  • — Контракт с учебным заведением: Да

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Служебная информация

  • «Образование в Европе - Вильнюсский технический университет имени Гедиминаса» относится к категории: «Образование за рубежом».

  • Предложение было создано 16.09.2013, дата последнего обновления - 14.04.2020.

  • За все время предложение было просмотрено 543 раза.

Образование в Европе - Вильнюсский технический университет имени Гедиминаса