Преобразователь избыточного давления 266GDH ABB, Алматы
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Дата добавления 09.03.2017;
- Код предложения - 16896365;
- Количество просмотров - 157;
Описание товара
266GDH is the direct-mount seal for transmitter for absolute pressure measurements.
ABB 266GDH electronics module with its on-board auto-configuration functionality reduces plant downtimes in case of failure and increases general productivity and availability. Moreover, its intuitive plug-and-play display with easy setup procedure really helps users by saving time and lowering maintenance and inventory costs.
Thanks to Taylor's "All-Welded" technology in remote seal design and manufacturing, this high-overload gauge pressure transmitter can offer unmatched total performances even in extreme ambient and process conditions.
In addition to the traditional configuration tool (provided locally via local keys combined with LCD indicator or via hand held terminal or PC configuration tools) the innovative TTG (Through The Glass) technology allow users to configure the instruments in the field without removing the windowed front cover and consequently to save a lot of time, highlighting ABB commitment to satisfy users' needs of simplicity and flexibility.
SIL2/SIL3 certification issued by TÜV Nord according to IEC 61508 represents another key-feature within 266 pressure transmitter portfolio. This certification is a real guarantee of protection and makes of 266GDH the smartest fit in Safety-critical loops.
266GDH: smartness beyond performances.
Характеристики преобразователя избыточного давления 266GDH АВВ
- — Бренд: ABB
- — Производитель: ABB
- — Страна производитель: Россия
Товары, похожие на Преобразователь избыточного давления 266GDH ABB
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