Многопараметрический преобразователь 266CRH, Алматы

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

Описание товара

Multivariable transmitter
266CRHThe multivariable transmitters in the 266CRH with remote diaphragm seals calculates the mass flow for gases, vapours and liquids with dynamic flow compensation directly from the three process variables of differential pressure, absolute pressure and temperature.
The multivariable transmitters in the 266CRH are used for differential pressure flow measurements. Apart from pressure- and / or temperature-dependent changes to the density of the fluid, the parameters such as the discharge coefficient, thermal expansion of pipelines and primary device and the Reynolds number are also corrected. It can also be used for DP level measurement if density compensation is necessary due to process temperature changes. This could make any level measurement much more reliable.
In addition to high precision, the multivariable 266 also offers the advantage that only a single device needs to be used for the measuring point instead of several transmitters and a flow calculator.

Характеристики многопараметрического преобразователя 266CRH

  • — Страна производитель: Россия
  • — Бренд: ABB

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Многопараметрический преобразователь 266CRH