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Описание товара

Measures the content of Oxygen in the purge gas to indicate when it is safe to carry out a weld

Keeps waiting time to a minimum

The monitor can tell the operator exactly when the Oxygen level is low enough to commence welding. No estimating or guesswork is involved, so no time or gas is wasted waiting for the correct Oxygen level to be reached.

Saves on excessive use of inert gas

The exact Oxygen content is shown on the monitor so no more inert gas than necessary has to be used to ensure that the weld will be free of oxidation.
Prevents weld failures

Premature starts on welds are avoided, high quality welding is ensured. Coked porous and discoloured welds can be prevented.

Highly portable

Its small size makes is easy and very convenient to use in all weld purging situations. Battery operation allows it to be carried anywhere.

Titanium / Duplex / Stainless Steel
The MKV monitor can be used to weld Titanium, Duplex and Stainless Steels.
Low cost
The monitor is available at a low relative cost and is a perfect accessory for use with any pipe weld purging system or argon welding enclosure.
Continuous monitoring of oxygen levels
A continuous read out of the Oxygen level is given, even when welding is taking place. This can avoid unforeseen purging problems that could cause quality failures after the weld has started.
Calibration and Certification
Our instrument is supplied calibrated and certificates for Industry Standards are included. Re-calibration is available to operators at any time. Continuous calibration on the front of the instrument is provided.
Extra Range
The MKV monitor indicates Oxygen levels down to 100 parts per million (PPM) 0.01% and measures accurately down to 0.1%.

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Служебная информация

  • «WELD PURGE MONITOR MKV» и другие подобные предложения можно найти в категории: «Сварочное и паяльное оборудование, общее».

  • Предложение было создано 21.09.2013, дата последнего обновления - 20.10.2013.

  • С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 191 раз.