Обучение в Сангмёнг Университете, Астана

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 22.05.2017;
  • Уникальный идентификатор - 17351571;
  • Предложение было просмотрено - 116;
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Описание товара

Доктор Бэ Санг Мёнг основала Школу практических искусств Сангмёнг в 1937 году. Под гнетом японского колониализма она сильно почувствовала необходимость женского образования. За этим последовало основание детского сада, начальной школы, промежуточной школы, средней школы, и, наконец, Сангмёнг университета


Воспитание компетентной личности, которая умеет способствовать созданию культуры и благополучию человечества на основах истины, справедливости и любви


-Обмен студентами
-Заграничное обучение со стипендией
-Двойной диплом
-Языковые курсы (краткосрочные, долгосрочные)
-Международный фронтир
-Международные стажировки


College of Convergence

Department of Copyright Protection, Department of Green Life Science, Department of Chemistry, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Energy Grid, Department of Hacking Defense, Department of Game Mobile Contents

College of Human Ecology

Department of Clothing and Textiles, Department of Foodservice Management and Nutrition, Department of Consumer and Housing Studies, Department of Sports and Health Sciences

College of Business Administration

Department of Economics and Finance, Department of International Trade and Business, Department of Business Administration

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Historical Content, Department of Geography, Department of Library and Information Science, Department of Family Welfare, Department of Public Management

College of Education

Department of Korean Education, Department of English Education, Department of French Education, Department of Japanese Education, Department of Education, Department of Mathematics Education

College of Software

Department of Computer Science, Department of Digital Media

College of Visual Arts

Department of Plastic Arts, Department of Practical Arts, Department of Dance

College of Music

Department of Piano, Department of Voice, Department of New Media Composition, Department of Orchestral Instruments


College of Convergence

Division of Cartooning/Digital Contents [Major in Cartooning, Major in Animation, Major in Digital Contents], Department of Plant Food Engineering, Department of Environmental Landscape Architecture

College of Human Ecology

Division of Sports [Major in Sports Industry, Major in Lifetime Sports and Leisure], Department of Nursing

College of Business Administration

Division of Finance and Insurance [Major in Risk Management and Insurance, Major in Finance and Management]

College of Language and Literature

Department of Korean Language and Literature, Department of Japanese Language and Literature, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of French Language and Literature, Department of German Language and Literature, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Division of English Language and Literature (Major in English Language and Literature, Major in Interpretation and Translation)

College of Design

Department of Visual Design, Department of Fashion Design, Department of Textile Design, Department of Interior Design, Department of Ceramic Design, Department of Industrial Design

College of Arts

Division of Visual Arts [Major in Photography and Visual Media, Major in Film and Visuals], Department of Theater, Division of Scenography and Production Design [Major in Scenic and Production Design, Major in Lighting and Sound Design], Department of Culture and Arts Management

College of Engineering

Department of Computer System Engineering, Department of Information and Telecommunications Engineering, Department of Management Engineering, Department of Biomedical Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering

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Обучение в Сангмёнг Университете