Borovoe 2013, Алматы

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за 1 ед.

Описание товара

In the
north of Kazakhstan, between Astana and Kokchetav cities there is a wonderful
district, a real oasis - Borovoye. Geographically this nook is called as
Kokchetav highs and the local guides gave it a name of Kazakhstani Switzerland.

One can
not be help mentioning about the lakes of Borovoye. There are many. Lakes
Shychie, Borovoye, Big and Small Chebachie, Koturkul glitter on the green atlas
of the forest.

is more beautiful than a fairy tale. The harmony of the mountains and the woods
and lakes creates not only unique beauty of the landscape, but also a special
medical climate.

Тhе area
owes its clean, fresh air to them - which in turn has granted it the status of
а health resort, together with its mild climate and wonderful landscape. Small
guesthouses, hotels and children's holiday boarding houses are scattered all
over the place, even though most of the latter have been abandoned of late. In
spite of this, there is plenty of natural landscape left, and even during the
high season between June and September there are more than enough places to be
found where tourists can find rest and peace. In general, September is the best
month for а trip to Burabay.

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Borovoe 2013