Аналитическое оборудование FTPA2000-300 series - OEM ABB, Алматы

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FT-IR ready for Mid or Near Infrared Integration into Process Systems

FTPA2000-300 series - OEM

The FTPA2000-300 series (formerly WorkIR) is an extractive sampling analyzer for Mid-Infrared process applications.

This extractive analyzer is also available in a Near-Infrared version, and constitutes a superior choice for integration into a total analyzer package. As with all other FTPA product lines the FTPA2000-300 features the single-pivot wishbone interferometer that was made famous and improved by ABB. The FTPA2000-300 provides spectroscopic performance superior to that of other industrial units:

  • Rugged construction for dependable performance outside of the laboratory.
  • Mid- or Near-Infrared Analysis.

Available in two configurations:

- External detector that is compatible with the standard sampling compartment.
- Internal detector that is compatible with Process FT-IR sampling accessories.

  • Wall, rack, or shelf mounted to achieve performance in all three possible orientation axes.
  • Patented Michelson single-pivot interferometer with 2 corner-cube retroreflectors mounted on a double pendulum swing arm.
  • Optical design eliminates double modulation induced artifacts.
  • Factory prealigned interferometer and input/output optics - does not require additional adjustments.
  • All FT-NIR instruments reproduce the absorbance spectrum of toluene (4100-6000 cm-1) in a 0.5 mm cell at 28° C ±1° to within 0.002 A.
Model Internal Source Optics Detector Spectral range
FTPA2000-300 SiC KBr DTGS 6,000-350 FTPA2000- 304 SiC ZnSe DTGS
Non-hydroscopic Window 6,000-510 FTPA2000-360 NIR NIR BK7 NIR DTGS 14,000-3,800 FTPA2000-300 Series FTPS2000-360 FTPA2000-300 & 304 Best resolution: 0.7 cm-1, unapodized 0.7 cm-1, unapodized Wave number reproducibility: 0.04 cm-1 at 7300 cm-1 0.1 cm-1 at 1918 cm-1 Wave number repeatability: 0.001 cm-1 0.001 cm-1 Signal-to-RMS-noise ratio at peak response: Typically 30,000: 1
(for 1 min. scan time, 4 cm-1resolution, open beam) Typically 30,000: 1
(for 1 min. scan time, 4 cm-1
resolution, open beam) 100% line repeatability: Within 0.1% over the 8000 to 4000 cm-1 range
(2 consecutive scans) Within 0.1% over the 4000 to 550 cm-1 range
(2 consecutive scans) Maximum 100% long-term line stability: 2% deviation over 16 hours
over the 8000 to 4000 cm-1 range 2% deviation over 16 hours
over the 4000 to 550 cm-1 range Resolution: Selectable from 1 to 64 cm-1
(apodized in steps of 2X) Selectable from 1 to 64 cm-1
(apodized in steps of 2X) Scan time: 3 s with DTGS
1.2 s for fast detectors at 4 cm-1resolution 3 s with DTGS
1.2 s for fast detectors at 4 cm-1resolution Beam diameter at beam stop: 2.5 cm 2.5 cm Maximum beam divergence: 90 milliradians 90 milliradians Overall dimensions
(internal detector configuration):
17 ½" W x 10 5/8" D x 6 5/8" H
(49 cm x 44 cm x 16.3 cm) 17 ½" W x 10 5/8" D x 6 5/8" H
(49 cm x 44 cm x 16.3 cm) Weight: 46.2 lb (21 kg) 46.2 lb (21 kg)

Характеристики аналитического оборудования FTPA2000-300 series - ОЕМ АВВ

  • — Бренд: ABB
  • — Страна производитель: Россия

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Аналитическое оборудование FTPA2000-300 series - OEM ABB