Аналитическое оборудование MBOEM-EMIS Large Area Diffuse Reflectance ABB, Алматы
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Предложение добавлено 09.03.2017;
- Уникальный код - 16896673;
- Предложение было просмотрено - 91;
Описание товара
Dedicated near-infrared solution for on-line monitoring of solids
A configured analyzer based on the double-pivot interferometer has been packaged for a very specific purpose: process diffuse reflectance without the use of a fibre optic interface. This analyzer is a non-contact system, and is designed to be field mounted in close proximity to the sample. The large area measurement addresses the issue of the non-homogeneity of samples, which is quite regularly associated with solid samples.
- Material on conveyer belts
- Fabric / Tow
- Pellets
- Fine particles
- Large and irregular samples
The MBOEM-EMIS is a precision FTIR spectrometer instrument that is designed to measure the spectral content of incoming light. Its compact size and rugged packaging allow for installation closer to raw material flow.
MBOEM-EMIS features:
- Three lasers pointers for ease of alignment.
- A large lid for accessing components
- A choice of input optics (field swappable)
Measurement specifications
- Resolution: 32 cm-1 to 1 cm-1
- SNR (rms): > 850 at maximal spectrum amplitude, 1 scan @ 1cm-1, measured with external source (ABB part 0034-17-1-00001-01).
- Detector: InGaAs 2.6 µm, spectral range: 3500 cm-1 to 7500 cm-1
- 24-bit ADC
- Spectral accuracy: ±0.06 cm-1 or better at ~7300 cm-1 for a 1 cm-1 setting
Field of view:
Lens Description Spot Diameter (mm) Distance = 1100 mm Distance = 1400 mm Distance = 1700 mm 125 mm focal ~ 150 ~ 200 ~ 250 75 mm focal ~ 75 ~ 100 ~ 125 175 mm focal ~ 220 ~ 300 ~350Mechanical Specifications
- Dust-tight design
- Dimensions (approximate, excluding input optics): 45 cm (d) x 39 cm (w) x 16 cm (h)
- Dimensions (approximate, including input optics): 45 cm (d) x 39 cm (w) x 22 cm (h)
- Weight (approximate): 25 kg
- 4 anchor points
Electrical Specifications
- Voltage input: 100 to 240 VAC
- Power consumption: 50 W
Communication Specifications
- Fiber optics link: Compliant to 100Base-FX MM
- Fiber optic connector: CONEC 17-300020 type
- Proprietary protocol over TCP/IP
Environmental Specifications
- Operating temperature range: 10° C to 30° C
- Temperature variations: ±5° C max.
- Resistance to vibrations (operating): up to 0.1 g
Характеристики аналитического оборудования МВОЕМ-EMIS Large Area Diffuse Reflectance АВВ
- — Бренд: ABB
- — Страна производитель: Россия
Товары, похожие на Аналитическое оборудование MBOEM-EMIS Large Area Diffuse Reflectance ABB
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