Электрификационная установка ANSI Secondary Unit Substation SUS ABB, Алматы
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Дата добавления 09.03.2017;
- Уникальный код - 16896647;
- Количество просмотров - 80;
Описание товара
A secondary unit substation (SUS) is a unit substation in which the outgoing low-voltage section is rated below 1000 volts. Principal areas of application include use in industrial plants, electric power generating stations and commercial buildings.
An articulated secondary unit substation is a common type of SUS consisting of:
- An incoming line section which provides for the connection of one or more incoming high-voltage circuits, each of which may or may not be provided with a switching device or a switching and interrupting device
- A transformer section which includes one or more transformers
- An outgoing section which provides for the connection of one or more outgoing feeders, each of which is provided with a switching and interrupting device
These sections are normally subassemblies intended for connection in the field.
The trend towards location of electrical distribution systems close to the center of loads has become prevalent in recent years. The SUS is compatible with this systems design concept because the wide array of components to select from allows tailoring to exact application needs. For example, the availability of silicon filled and dry type transformers permit installation of SUS in buildings close to the load without the need of costly fire containment equipment. Secondary unit substations provide other benefits and advantages over older distribution methods:
- Reduced power losses
- Improved continuity of service
- Increased flexibility
- Better voltage regulation
- Less installation expense
- Efficient space utilization
- Lower transformer and switchgear weight
- Reduced floor space
- Increased personnel safety
- Coordinated engineering
- Simplified purchasing
- Prompt delivery
- Design flexibility
Характеристики электрификационной установки ANSI Secondary Unit Substation SUS АВВ
- — Бренд: ABB
- — Страна производитель: Россия
Товары, похожие на Электрификационная установка ANSI Secondary Unit Substation SUS ABB
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