Market & sociological researches in Kazakhstan, Алматы
Описание товара
- Study of public opinion on social and political problems (survey polls).
- Desk research.
- Research of market potential, estimation of perspectives, market capacity, niches, development trends in the target market.
- Study of the difficulties and problems that may be met in the process of business organization, production, import, export, trade in Kazakhstan.
- Analysis of key players in the market (customers, competitors, suppliers, government).
- Mystery shopping – collection of prices, payment and delivery terms.
- Searching information about equipment and raw materials in China, Russia and other countries.
- Retail audit. Monitoring and comparative analysis of the assortment, price, service quality, packaging, merchandize.
- Preparation of business plans, investment plans.
- Desk research. Analyze of the production, import, export, wholesale, retail, government procurements for the latest available period and for the past couple of years. Official data sources: 1) statistics agency of Kazakhstan; 2) statistics agencies of CIS countries; 3) customs control committee of the Ministry of finance; 4) data of ministries and departments of Kazakhstan and other CIS countries; 5) the data of the World Bank and other international organizations. Estimated cost of a survey - $1000 and above.
- Survey polls. Estimated cost of a survey of 1,000 consumers FMCG products will be $6000. The cost depends on the availability of respondents and the sample size.
a) discussion of the goals and problems that stands in front of the customer; b) proposal specifying the sampling design, methodology, cost, schedule; c) the signing of the contract, an pre-payment; g) the approval of the questionnaire; e) field work; e) 100% control of the field work; g) enter data into a computer; h) data analysis and report writing; a) the presentation of the research results, signing the act of executed works, the post payment.
1) Experience. I worked as a project manager in the 4 research agencies. Spoken stat methods of analysis. Fluency using the program SPSS, STATISTICA, including multivariate statistical analysis, such as: correspondence analysis, cluster, factor, regression, discriminant analysis, analysis of variance, differences of means, etc.
2) Low cost. I’m freelancer and work with supervisors and interviewers on outsourcing base. Compare my proposal with proposals of the other competitors.
3) 100% control "field". Contacts, phone numbers of respondents, are provided to the customer.
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Служебная информация
- «Market & sociological researches in Kazakhstan» можно найти в следующих категориях: «Услуги в сфере маркетинга», «Маркетинговые исследования», «Количественные маркетинговые исследования», «Социологические исследования»;
- Предложение было создано 20.05.2017, дата последнего обновления - 20.05.2017;
- С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 113 раз.