Спектрометр TPA2000-HP460 ABB, Алматы

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Описание товара

FT-NIR process analyzer for hydrocarbon and petrochemical applicationsFTPA2000-HP460

The FTPA2000-HP460 is a fully-integrated process FT-NIR analyzer platform designed for the hydrocarbon and petrochemical applications where the highest performance analytical results are required.

FT-IR Fully-integrated Process Analyzer Platform

The FTPA2000-HP460 analyzer includes an integrated Ex-certified cabinet designed for analyzer house installation, temperature controlled FT-IR analyzer internal sample system with flow cell(s), full connectivity to DCS via MODBUS or OPC complete with on-board PC data-controller and touch-screen flat display and user interafce.
The FTPA2000-HP460 series analyzers are designed to provide hydrocarbon quality measurements of the highest quality on a wide range of process liquid steams including naphtha, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, reformate and similar applications. The analyzer internal sample flow cell system provides precise sample temperature control and allows stream quality measurements to be made with excellent repeatability.

Key Features

  • Fully-integrated Ex certified analyzer in IP54 enclosure with I/O and user interface.
  • Suitable for light hydrocarbon liquid process streams (up to middle distillate, LGO, Kero)
  • Full DCS connectivity via ModBUS RTU and OPC
  • Calibration and Validation procedures to ASTM D6122 / E1655
  • All aspects of system operation, such as sampling system control, referencing, sample analysis, data communication, and data archiving, are controlled by ABB's FTSW100 Process Software
  • Certified for hazardous locations:
    • ATEX Category II 2 G (Ex d [ib] ib px IIB+H2 T4)
    • Class 1 Division 2 T4 CSA(C,US),
  • NIR optics covering the 3800 cm-1 to 12,000 cm-1 range,
  • Single cell, single fluid switching kit included, upgrade to dual-cell with fully independent process sample inputs available
  • Multi-stream and multi-property analyses of refinery hydrocarbon streams with fast response (less than 1 minute per stream)

Key Applicationns

  • Gasoline final product and blending component quality analysis for blending optimization
  • Diesel final product and blending component quality analysis for blending optimization
  • Kerosene / Jet A1 final product and blending component quality analysis for blending optimization
  • Naphtha conversion applications - CCR / ISOM
  • Naphtha steam-cracker feed for naphtha cracking furnace real-time optimization
  • Single sample cell 0.5 mm pathlength , fused silica windows (other options available)
  • High-sensitivity TE InAs detector as standard
  • Dual cell version available as upgrade with separate independent sample inputs
  • Purged insulated cabinet (IP 54).
  • Suitable for Class 1 Division 2, T4 temperature rating, ATEX Category II 2 G (Ex d [ib] ib px IIB+H2 T4), for hazardous area operation
  • Cabinet / cell temperature electrically controlled at 25°C with Hazardous Area certified heaters and temperature controller
  • Electronic Enclosure compartment with CANBus I/O, ethernet communications, temperature controller for sample cell cabinet, system alarms
  • Spectrometer compartment with temperature controlled Fourier Transform Spectrometer, data processor includes FTSW100 Software pre-configured, local data storage, DCS communication through MODBUS, OPC
  • Process/Wash and Reference fluid inputs, with integrated Fluid Switching panel, double-block-and-bleed switching valves. Additional Protofuel input available as option.
  • Fluid switching panel has flow control, low-flow sense switches for detecting low sample flows, reverse Nitrogen flow for cell blow-down and counter-current sample heat exchanger for additional temperature stabilization

Analyzer Utility Requirements

Instrumentation Air, oil-free, clean and dry, 80 psig (5.5 barg) 32 SCFM (906 sl/m), -32 degF (-34 degC) dew point at maximum instrument and ambient air temperature

Характеристики спектрометра TPA2000-HP460 АВВА

  • — Бренд: ABB
  • — Страна производитель: Россия
  • — Конфигурация: инфракрасный

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Служебная информация

  • «Спектрометр TPA2000-HP460 ABB» можно найти в следующих категориях: «Приборы и автоматика», «Анализаторы, дозиметры, влагомеры», «Приборы спектрального и структурного анализа», «Спектрометры»;
  • Предложение было создано 09.03.2017, дата последнего обновления - 09.03.2017;
  • С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 142 раза.

Спектрометр TPA2000-HP460 ABB