Спектрометр лабораторный MB3600-CH10 ABB, Алматы

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FT-NIR oleochemicals analyzer

The MB3600-CH10 uses Fourier Transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy to analyze oil and fat products. This turnkey analyzer is pre-calibrated for Iodine Value and %Trans fat.

The IV determination uses a global calibration in accordance with the AOCS-approved standard procedure Cd 1e_01. This global IV calibration is based on a wide selection of oils and fats obtained from multiple production facilities worldwide.
The %Trans determination uses a global calibration based on a similarly wide range of oils. ABB's world-renowned range of on-line and laboratory FT-NIR analyzers provide guaranteed transferability of calibration models between laboratory and process applications.
The accuracy and reliability of the FT-NIR based method has been evaluated via an official AOCS-supervised round robin test. Because of the inherent high reproducibility and stability of ABB's FT-NIR analyzer technology, the analysis procedure is universally applicable to a wide variety of oils and fats without any calibration adjustments.

  • Fully pre-aligned and pre-calibrated for Iodine Value and %Trans. Rugged design and construction and superior manufacturing methods guarantee unsurpassed analyzer stability.
  • Results obtained in less than 2 minutes, with simultaneous analysis of multiple components. - Easy-to-use, operator friendly, with very low cost of analysis.
  • Simplified sampling using heated disposable glass vials means no clean-up between samples - very easy to run large sample batches.
  • Higher analytical precision (increased repeatability, reproducibility and stability) compared with standard wet-chemical methods.
  • Very little training required for use in a routine operations environment by plant personnel.

Rapid, Reliable Oil and Fat Analysis Results
ABB has been a world leader in industrial FT-NIR analysis solutions for many years. We have worked together with customers and the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) to help define standard methods for FT-NIR calibration and analysis of oils and fats. The result is the MB3600-CH10 Laboratory FT-NIR Oils and Fats Analyzer.
Real-time Data for Fast Product Release
The MB3600-CH10 is supplied complete with pre-calibrations for Iodine Value (IV) and % trans fat (%Trans) suitable for a wide variety of sample types, including raw and processed vegetable oils. It is therefore ready to use for quick lab analysis and fast product release.
Simplified Analysis and Calibration Development in the Lab
The MB3600-CH10 Laboratory Analyzer simplifies oil and fat quality analysis in the laboratory. It combines the analysis of IV and %Trans in a single measurement. Analysis is performed using disposable vials which eliminate sample cell cleaning. The measurement time is only 1 minute after the sample has reached the fixed measurement temperature.
Guaranteed Laboratory-to-Process Calibration Transfer
ABB has developed manufacturing methods which ensure that all of our laboratory and process FT-NIR analyzers are highly stable, have a highly linear photometric response, and provide identical absorbance spectra. This guarantees calibration transferability from lab to process without any additional calibration efforts or data manipulation.
Custom Calibration Models
The MB3600-CH10 simplifies the development of local site-data based calibration models, allowing the analyzer to be used for a wide range of process streams and properties. Many of our customers have successfully developed their own rigorous and stable calibration models.
ABB's Calibration Modeling and Training Services
Custom calibration models can easily be developed to generate QA data for oil quality and degradation parameters. These calibrations must be developed on a site-by-site basis for specific oil and fat products. ABB will work in close partnership with you to develop customized solutions that meet your specific needs.

Характеристики спектрометра лабораторного MB3600-CH10 АВВА

  • — Бренд: ABB
  • — Страна производитель: Россия

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Спектрометр лабораторный MB3600-CH10 ABB