Спектрометр FTPA2000-260 ABB, Алматы
Описание товара
ABB's FTPA2000-260 is a multi-point, FT-NIR analyzer designed for remote, real-time monitoring of continuous and batch processes.
Profitability, quality and reliability are some of the challenges the process industry must cope with on a day-to-day basis. Precise and reliable on-line follow up of the on-line process is key to the success of modern industrial plants.
This Fourier Transform Process Analyzers (FTPA) is used in many different applications:
- Semiconductor
- Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
- Fine Chemical and Specialty Chemical
- Commodity Chemical
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Real-time monitoring of chemical composition and physical properties is the key providing tight control of industrial processes.
- Higher yields
- Higher throughput
- Improved quality or your analysis
- Near-infrared (NIR) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (800 to 2500 nm)
- Quantitative analysis of organic compounds
- Quantitative analysis of inorganic aqueous solutions and salts.
- Flexible Sitting
- Flexible Sampling
- Flexible Multi-detector module
- Flexible communication
The FTPA2000-260 offers the best repeatability performance on the market: precise and reliable data is therefore acquired for optimal control of the process. Our spectrometers provide information needed for process optimization in the refining, chemical, pharmaceutical, semiconductor and other industries and the FTPA2000-260 is the right tool achieve your goals.
ABB guarantees transferability of methods between its instruments because the absorbance reproducibility approaches the instrument repeatibility. In fact, any part of the FTPA2000-260 system can be serviced or replaced without having to modify the method and with no loss of accuracy, even the fiber optic cables and sampling systems.
This is due to the ultra-high precision manufacturing methods used and the extreme stability of the laser controlled spectral encoding process. Transferring analytical methods between NIR analyzers from other manufacturers invariably results in some loss of precision, resulting in a higher quantitative error.
Flexible siting
It is convenient to transmit the near-infrared light through fiber optic cables. The FTPA2000-260 makes use of this advantage to add flexibility in implementation. The use of fiber optic cables permits to locate the analyzer in any general-purpose area, isolated from hazardous materials and environments, thus significantly reducing cost.
Includes a unique eight-channel multi-detector module and has ample throughput to simultaneously illuminate 8 fiber-optic cables.This allows a single analyzer to continuously monitor up to eight different sampling points without the drawback of opto-mechanical multiplexing.
Through the use of fiber optic cables, each point can be located up to several hundred meters away from the analyzer.
Flexible multi-detector module
With the FTPA2000-260, the return fiber from each remote monitoring point is connected to an individual detector in a multi-detector module. For optimum stability, sensitivity, and spectral range, the most suitable detector for each monitoring point can be selected from amongst the several different types available. Signals from the detector's module are electronically multiplexed and use non-moving parts. This provides for better repeatability of analysis than is possible with an opto-mechanical multiplexer.
Flexible sampling
The FTPA2000-260 is compatible with most popular probes and flow-through cells offered by ABB and third-party suppliers. The type of sampling accessory can be selected according to the properties of the sample and can differ for each stream. In fact, a different sampling system, spectral range and analytical method can be applied to each monitoring point. The process interface at each point can range from a simple, in situ probe to a multistream sampling system with flow-through cell.
Flexible communications
The FTSW100 FT-IR process software is used with ABB's FTPA2000-260. Its flexible, open design enables the user to easily implement analytical methods and control sequences. The FTSW100 FT-IR Process Software has a comprehensive human-machine interface, which is customizable to specific applications and will satisfy all categories of users.
This Process Software is compatible with many different communication protocols, including:
- OPC through Ethernet
- MODBUS through a serial link (RS-232, RS-485)
- CANBUS through I/O discrete modules
Характеристики спектрометра FTPA2000-260 АВВА
- — Бренд: ABB
- — Страна производитель: Россия
- — Конфигурация: инфракрасный
Товары, похожие на Спектрометр FTPA2000-260 ABB
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